How do I get started in my new classes?
Getting ready to start your classes at Bow Valley College? Get your technology set up and be tech ready for the first day of class!
As soon as you are accepted to BVC, you will want to set up your MyBVC account. The instructions to set up your account and password will be sent to the personal email address you provided during the registration process
Your myBVC email address and password is your key to unlock all the other technology and services you may need as a student:
- myBVC email - Check your myBVC email regularly for College updates and information.
- myBVC Student Portal - Register in classes, check your schedule, and pay your tuition
- Microsoft365 (Microsoft Word/PowerPoint/Excel) - Download a free copy of Microsoft Office or use the online Microsoft365 cloud apps
- Microsoft Teams - Download Microsoft Teams to participate in virtual classes and meetings
- D2L Brightspace - Find course materials, participate in online discussions, and write online quizzes. ***Important: Your classes will not show up in D2L until your first scheduled day of class
- Wi-Fi - BVC students can connect to the myBVC network.
- Printing - Black and white printing is available in the Library for 10 cents a page
As a new student, you should also check out the New Student Orientation webpage and the New Student FAQ webpage for more information about getting started at BVC.