What kind of laptop should I buy for my courses at BVC?
If you are planning on buying a new computer, most BVC programs require:
- Mid-tier Windows or Mac computer (running the latest operating system and all recent security patches)
- Microphone
- Webcam
- High-speed internet connection
- For a better experience with online meetings, we recommend using a computer that has a minimum dual-core processor and 8.0 GB RAM (or higher)
Chromebooks/tablets are not recommended and may not support all the software/services you need to participate in your classes.
Some departments/programs (ie: School of Technology, Centre for Entertainment Arts) may have specific computer requirements. We recommend that you speak to your department about tech requirements before purchasing a new device.
Microsoft Teams Requirements
- Windows: Windows 10 or 11. Older Windows computers may be able to use the web version of Teams
- Mac: Microsoft Teams will only work on the last 3 most recent versions of MacOS. Older Macs may be able to use the web version of Teams.
- Click on the Apple support page to learn more, or talk to a family member, friend, or Mac expert to get help upgrading your computer.
Recommended internet browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari