Where can I find short stories?


To find short stories in the library catalogue:

  • On the library homepage, do a search for short stories.
  • Most short stories are published in books called anthologies. Use the limiters on the left side of the search results page to filter your results to just books. You can also use the date limiter to limit by publication date.

  • Click the links that say "online access" to read the book.

Other places to find short stories:

  • The New Yorker is an American magazine that publishes short stories, poetry, essays, and more.
  • The New Quarterly is a Canadian literary magazine that publishes new Canadian short stories four times per year.
    • To access The New Quarterly, use these login credentials:
    • Username: Bow Valley College
    • Password: E)dmilUJ@c3dV4AICJqUk4uo
  • Best Canadian Stories 2024 features Canadian short stories published in 2022.
  • Best Canadian Stories 2023 features Canadian short stories published in 2021.
  • This article from CBC provides links to 75 Canadian short stories available for free online.
  • Last Updated Jul 24, 2024
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Ethan Allard

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