How do I reference and cite an episode of a TV show?


 Create a reference                                                                                                                                              


Writer(s) last name, Initial. (Writer), & Director(s) last name, Initial. (Director). (Year, Month Day). Title of episode (Season #, Episode #) [TV series episode]. In P. Producer (Role/Contribution), Series title, Broadcasting Network or Distributor.                                                                             



Vitti, J. (Writer), & Moore, R. (Director). (1993, October 7). Cape Feare (Season 5, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In D. Mirkin, J. L. Brooks, M. Groening, & S. Simon (Executive Producers), The Simpsons. Gracie Films; Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.


 Create a citation                                                                          


(Writer(s) last name & Director(s) last name, Year)  

(Writer(s) last name & Director(s) last name, Year, hh:mm:ss)


(Vitti & Moore, 1993)

(Vitti & Moore, 1993, 00:45:12)


See the APA 7 website for more information.





  • Last Updated Jun 08, 2024
  • Views 681
  • Answered By Marion Gauzer

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