How do I reference and cite an online news article?



Use this format for articles from news websites that have an associated daily/weekly paper (i.e., The Washington Post; The New York Times; The Calgary Herald, etc.)...


 Create a reference                                                                                                                                              



Author(s) last name, Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper or News Website.   



Ferguson, E. (2019, October 30). Rocky View Schools faces $10-million cut in face of UCP's austerity budget. Calgary Herald.


 Create a citation                                                                          


(Author(s) last name, Year)  

(Author(s) last name, Year, p. #)


(Ferguson, 2019)   

(Ferguson, 2019, p. 5)



Use this format for articles from news websites that do not have an associated daily/weekly paper (i.e., CBC, BBC News, CNN, etc.)


 Create a reference                                                                        




Author(s) last name, Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper or News Website.



Osler, J. (2018, September 27). Social media platforms cashing in on social e-commerce. CBC.


 Create a citation                                                                          



(Author(s) last name, Year) 

(Author(s) last name, Year, para. #)



(Osler, 2018)

(Osler, 2018, para. 4)


See the APA 7 website for more information.



  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2024
  • Views 8167
  • Answered By Marion Gauzer

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