How do I cite?


A citation is a note that tells your reader you used a source to write your sentence. There are three things you should know about citations in APA style:

1) A citation has 2-3 pieces of information: Author, Date, Location.

2) If you are paraphrasing, a citation has two parts: (Author, Date). If you are quoting, a citation has three parts: (Author, Date, Location).

3) Citations can be parenthetical (all parts in brackets at the end of the sentence) or narrative (author name(s) as part of the sentence and year/location in parenthesis).

More examples:

Narrative, Paraphrase:

Wang (2018) illustrated the effective use of narrative citations.

Parenthetical, Paraphrase:

The use of citations and paraphrasing are discussed (Wang, 2018).

Narrative, Quote:

As described by Gray et al. (2018), citations “may include direct quotes” ("How to cite").

Parenthetical, Quote:

Moreover, citations “may include direct quotes” (Gray et al., 2018, para. 3).


This page in our APA guide has further information with examples of how to cite quotes and paraphrases.

Check out best citation practice on the APA blog.


  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2024
  • Views 5157
  • Answered By Library Staff

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