Where can I find images for my assignment?
You can't use images that are protected by copyright with a license that requires payment. If the webpage lists the image for sale or the image has a watermark on it, then you should not use it.
Here are two ways to find images that are free to use in assignments.
1. Use the Creative Commons filter in Google's image search
In the top right below the search box, click "Tools" then select "Creative Commons licenses" under Usage Rights.
2. Search one of these websites, which provide access to images that are free to use and share:
- Flickr Commons
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- NASA Images
- New York Public Library Digital Collection
- Pics4Learning
- Pixabay
- Public Health Image Library
- The Noun Project (includes icons & photos)
- Unsplash
- Wellcome collection
- Wikimedia Commons
- Always follow the APA guidelines for citing and referencing images
- Clip art that is found inside of MS PowerPoint does not need a reference