How do I find instructions and examples for referencing and formatting in APA style?

The library's searchable help has detailed answers for referencing all types of sources in APA style, 7th edition.

To access this resource, go to the library web page here and click the help button.


On the help website, you can search for specific formats, types of sources, and other questions related to referencing information in APA style.

For example, if you need to reference a book, type in "book":


The library also has an online guide that provides an introduction to and basic instructions for using APA style. Click the APA button on the library's main page:


Choose a tab on the left to learn what information is needed to write a citation and create references or to download the pre-formatted Word template.

If you are getting started or struggling with APA style, we strongly recommend going to the "How-to resources" tab to view our interactive, self-guided tutorial:



If you need support with a specific aspect of APA style, please contact us for help.

However, please note that while the library can point out mistakes and guide you in how to correct them, we cannot fix individual assignments. As a student, it is your responsibility to read and use the above resources in order to engage in the process of learning how to apply the rules of APA style in your written work.


  • Last Updated Nov 12, 2022
  • Views 984
  • Answered By

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