How can I find ebooks about nursing theorists?
E-books are one of several types of library resources you can use to find information about nursing theorists.
To find e-books about particular nursing theorists, go to the library homepage and click the Databases link in the top right corner of the page:
Click on 'E' in the alphabetical index at the top of the page:
Click on Ebook Central. You'll be asked to log in to your library account using your MyBVC email address and password:
Type the name of the nursing theorist you are researching in the search box at the top of the page and click search:
On the results page, click on the title of the e-book you would like to access:
Click on the 'Read Online' button to open the book:
You can also search within the book by clicking the search button on the left-hand sidebar:
For more information about using the library's e-book collection, please see our Ebooks guide.